Record-Setting Job Placement Numbers

Record-Setting Job Placement Numbers event banner

📅 22 November, 2024

📍 New Hope Center KC

Last month’s shift to daily office hours has led to an incredible month of services to the community.  Perhaps most impressively, we have over the past three weeks successfully helped more than 50 individuals get jobs.  We are grateful to our hard-working community members for their commitment to finding meaningful employment and to the many employers who recognize the incredible work ethic and integrity refugees can bring to their workforces!


To walk alongside refugees and equip them with the tools and support they need to succeed in building lives full of hope, belonging, and self-sufficiency in their new home. To provide practical educational programs and mentorship that sharpen, guide, and empower migrants both young and old to achieve their own versions of the American dream.


A world in which "refugee" defines a legal status and not an individual—a world in which refugees are seen, their voices are heard, and their stories are valued.

Contact Information

New Hope Center KC
4300 Independence Ave, Kansas City, MO 64124
Tel: +1 (816) 933-7211

Languages Immediately Available

Kinyarwanda | French | Swahili | Kirundi | Kinyamulenge | English
Additional Languages by Request